A guide to get the most out of running predicted savings reports.
Savings data is updated at midnight every night. When running savings reports ensure that the end date and time of the reporting range is the previous date at midnight. Reports can be run on the current day but will not have the savings reflected until the next midnight.
Figure 1: Savings are most accurate when the end range is before midnight the previous night.
The energy savings algorithm is adaptive and will continue to improve predicted savings calculations for up to 7 days after its first calculation. The more data in the model the more accurate the forecasts. We need an appliance to be plugged in for a minimum of 24 hours at accurately predict savings.
Figure 2: Savings amounts and percentages can show small fluctuations in the first 7 days since first calculation.
Predicted savings graphs on the Hub will only be live from the previous midnight. The current day will not have any savings plotted until midnight.
Figure 3: Energy Savings tab is not available but savings will be there once updated at midnight
To get the most out of predicted savings reports ensure that the report is run over a period that has rulesets deployed throughout. Running a report across a no ruleset and a rulesets on time will dilute the percentage savings.
Figure 4: Lining up a report over a ruleset-only period will show true reductions over that whole period