How does turning off water boilers and zip taps affect legionella risk?

There is no risk of legionella from turning off hot water devices overnight and at weekends, however, consideration is needed for longer timeframes like a week +.

We use Rock Compliance, who are experts in water hygiene, control and legionella risk for our legionella compliance. This is what they had to say on the subject:


“Legionella grows in an optimum water temperature of between 20 and 41C. It accelerates at 37C. The current legislation and advice state that if water does not move for >1 week, you need to flush once per week for 4-5 minutes. Zip taps that have been powered off over a weekend will get back up to temperature and boil the water as it leaves the tap. The combination of standing for <1 week and the high temperature means there is no risk from legionella and flushing is not needed. When the zip tap is used, any initial non-boiling water is left to drain as is per normal usage.”

Andy Smith, Rock Compliance