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Corporate & Social Responsibility

Is or has m.e been under investigation or enforcement notices from HSE or the Environment Agency?


Does m.e have an Equal Opportunities/EDI/Dignity, respect and equality policy?

m.e commits to equality, diversity and inclusion and promoting a positive culture that celebrates difference, challenges prejudice and ensures fairness. Employees must treat each other with dignity and respect regardless of any differences. Employees shall also treat m.e property, whether material or intangible, with respect and care. m.e promotes freedom of expression and open communication within the boundaries of the law. An equal and diverse workplace allows employees to have the opportunity to fulfil their potential while recognising everyone is different in visible and non-visible ways, allowing m.e to meet the equally diverse needs of clients and investors.

m.e is proud to be an equal opportunities company and believes all employees should receive equal treatment no matter who they are. To that end, employees with the same job title, who are completing similar tasks to a similar standard, are paid the same no matter who they are.

The law offers protection against discrimination where a person is treated less favourably than another in a similar situation due to a protected characteristic. This includes direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, victimisation and harassment. Protected characteristics are age, relationship status, disability, pregnancy, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin), gender identity and gender reassignment, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.

m.e holds a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, harassment or discrimination, not just those with legal protection. m.e regards any incidents of bullying, harassment or discrimination as a serious matter and will respond sensitively to formal complaints and, where appropriate, take disciplinary action.

m.e also applies this policy to suppliers. m.e will not work with suppliers found in breach of this policy, whether this be treating their employees with, or creating an environment where disrespect and discrimination are normalised. Employees shall immediately report any signs of a partner or supplier's unethical environment to their line manager. For example, if m.e becomes aware a supplier is using child or slave labour or any breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, m.e will cease business with this supplier.

Does m.e hold checks on its employees to ensure their eligibility to work in the UK? What is m.e’s hiring process?

  1. A need for human resources or competencies is identified.

  2. Prospective line manager identifies necessary and preferred competencies with the relevant team.

  3. Job roles and adverts are created based on the m.e template.

  4. Job roles and adverts are reviewed and approved by the Chief officer of the relevant department.

  5. A job advert posted on recruitment sites relevant to the role.

  6. Candidates verified against the list of preferred competencies.

  7. Preferred candidates are invited to an initial chat with the line manager to understand their reason for application and character.

  8. Successful candidates are asked to provide proof of identity and right to work (typically their passport and, if necessary, the “Prove your right to work” GOV.uk service) and, if deemed necessary for the role, their consent to carry out a DBS Basic check and Employee Credit Check.

  9. Successful candidates sent relevant ‘test tasks’ to complete. Depending on the task, candidates are invited to verification or presentation of methods or output.

  10. At least two character references are contacted to verify competencies and character. At least one character reference from a previous workplace or academic institution if they are currently within academia. Qualifications verified with academic institution if within 7 years of completion.

  11. If deemed appropriate for the role, criminal record and Employee Credit Checks completed.

  12. Successful candidates are invited to a final cultural fit interview with the line manager and relevant chief officer. More than one final interview may occur.

  13. Offer letter based on m.e template sent to the successful candidate.

  14. The final contract is sent for signing using DocuSign.

A record of unsuccessful candidates' names, contact details and reasons they were unsuccessful shall be retained per the GDPR ROPA to review and prevent prejudices in recruitment and immediately identify if a candidate reapplies for a different role. If a candidate is not successful after step 8 the prospective line manager shall send the employee a specific unsuccessful candidate template.

Does m.e have an Ethical/Corporate Social Responsibility policy/statement?

In conducting business, m.e is guided by ethical and responsible decision-making as well as the Guiding Principles, Values and policies in the m.e Employee Handbook. m.e acknowledges the complex inter-relationships between employee health and comfort, economic performance, stakeholder expectations and social and environmental aspirations; aiming to satisfy all, ethically and efficiently. m.e’s board, directors and employees are required to achieve the highest standards of corporate governance, acting at all times ethically and responsibly. This includes:

  • Being honest and in accordance with best practice, endeavouring as a minimum to act at all times in compliance with laws, regulations, consents and contractual obligations.

  • Creating a safe, equal, respectable and diverse workplace environment for all employees, providing opportunities to enhance skills and capabilities.

  • Providing consistent high-quality and secure products and customer experiences.

  • Recognising and acting on m.e's good relations and key position to make a measurable difference for good.

  • Being sustainable in all decisions, whether that be in terms of environmental protection or employee health and retention or business operations.

Guiding principles

  • Dignity and respect

  • Equality and diversity

  • Cyber security

  • Sustainability

  • Making a measurable difference for good


  • Honest always

  • Curious in nature

  • Original by design

  • Relatable at heart

Find out more here.

Does m.e have an Anti-Bribery, corruption and integrity policy?

To maintain the trust of employees, colleagues, clients and others, m.e will never engage in bribery or other corrupt practices and demand the same of business partners. m.e will not tolerate bribery or any other forms of corruption, even if it loses the company business or partnerships.

For clarity, m.e strictly prohibits bribes, fraudulent conduct, kickbacks, facilitation payments (an unofficial payment to public officials to speed up the performance of a routine action the public official is required to provide anyway), sponsorships, donations, gifts, favours, illegal payments and any other offer of items of value, entertainment or employment opportunities that can inappropriately influence or secure an improper advantage with government officials, clients, suppliers or other third parties.

Employees must:

  • Never give, receive, offer, solicitate, or give the impression they can be influenced by, whether directly or indirectly, bribes, inducements, gifts, kickbacks or payments which can be construed as a bribe or other improper advantage for business or financial gain. Employees must immediately reject any demand for, or offer of, a bribe and report it to their line manager.

  • Never pay ransom, including ransom requested by malware and viruses commonly called ransomware.

  • Always make clear, internally and when dealing with third parties, that m.e has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and will not directly or indirectly offer, pay, seek or accept a payment, gift or favour to improperly influence a business outcome.

  • Always consider whether their activity or relationship will lead to a conflict of interest, such as affecting their influence or personal/family gain, and when in doubt report this to their line manager.

  • Not use company funds, assets or information for illegal purposes, including the purchase of privileges or special benefits through bribes, illegal political contributions or other illicit payments.

  • Be truthful and transparent in all interactions with clients, suppliers and stakeholders, avoiding hidden terms of arrangement.

  • Be honest and accurate when reporting expenses, supplying the required evidence set out in the Expenses policy.

  • Avoid any activity that could look like improper influence

  • Avoid accepting gifts from clients, suppliers, and third parties. If gifts are offered or received employees must ensure:

    • Gifts do not exceed the reasonable monetary limit, are irregular in nature and always avoid conflicts of interest.

    • Gifts that do exceed the reasonable monetary limit are politely declined and the requirements of this policy are explained. If employees are unsure what qualifies as a reasonable monetary limit they should ask their line manager.

    • Gifts are not intended to or could not influence business decisions.

    • Gifts that are in cash or cash equivalent, such as lottery tickets, gift certificates, vouchers, loans, guarantees or any other granting of credit, shares or options are not accepted in any circumstances.

    • That clearance is obtained from their line manager for gifts that have to be accepted in exceptional circumstances to avoid serious offence, or genuinely preclude their return, and, where appropriate, take steps for the gift to be donated to charity.

  • Only work with partners with reputations for integrity and immediately report any signs of an unethical representative or illegal activity to their line manager and if necessary the police.

  • Only accept or offer hospitality if it is reasonable, customary, appropriate, occurs infrequently, its value does not exceed reasonable monetary limits, is one-off or irregular in nature, and is for a legitimate reason verified by their line manager. Employees must never offer or accept hospitality, whether that be accommodation, sustenance or entertainment if it is intended to or could influence business decisions.

  • Immediately notify their line manager if they become aware of any suggested or actual payment or other transaction which could breach this policy.

In exceptional situations where employees cannot escape imminent threat to life, or physical harm without meeting a demand for payment, such a payment may be made, but those involved must immediately report the details to their line manager and the police. m.e will do everything possible to prevent employees from being in these situations.

Does m.e have a modern slavery statement?

In line with our values and guiding principles, m.e makes every attempt to ensure human rights are not violated in the operation of the business. This includes refusing to work with any interested parties m.e believes may be exploiting people, whether that be through human trafficking, slavery, servitude or forced labour.

Does m.e have a Health and Safety Policy Statement?

Health and safety is of paramount importance to m.e. m.e aims to keep all employees safe from harm when completing tasks. The policy statement below outlines what m.e does to meet this aim, and who are responsible persons.

m.e’s health and safety policy is to:

  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

  • Manage and provide adequate control of health and safety risks at m.e.

  • Provide clear information and adequate training to ensure employees are competent to safely complete their work.

  • Undertake relevant risk assessments.

  • Check that implanted actions have reduced risks.

  • Review risk assessments annually or when habit/activity/environment changes occur, whichever is sooner.

  • Consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety.

  • Provide personal protective equipment where necessary.

  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

  • Advise work-from-home employees on best practice emergency procedures to implement in their environment.

The overall and final responsibility for health and safety: Dan Williams (CEO)

The day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice: Jacob French (Product and Quality Lead)

All employees shall:

  • Co-operate with colleagues, managers and Chief Officers on health and safety matters.

  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety.

  • Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person.

m.e will complete relevant risk assessments and take action and review those risk assessments when working habits, activities or conditions change.

m.e will give employees and subcontractors health and safety induction and provide appropriate training. As well as provide personal protective equipment where necessary and make sure suitable arrangements are in place for employees who work remotely.

m.e will consult employees routinely on health and safety matters as they arise, and formally when health and safety is reviewed.

m.e will inform workers of the evacuation best practice and request they familiarise themselves with evacuation routes.

Does m.e measure and report environmental performance?

Environmental Sustainability, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, is one of the guiding principles of m.e. m.e aims to minimise the impact of company operations on the environment and will consider sustainability in all purchases and business decisions to reduce resource consumption and waste. To understand the impact of, and inform these decisions, m.e shall work with partners specialised in these areas to accurately understand the lifecycle impacts of the m.e Platform, and the day-to-day impact of m.e Systems and employees' tasks.

m.e's environmental principles are as follows:

  • Minimise any environmental damage and maximise all opportunities to improve the environment going forward.

  • Comply with all legal requirements to reduce environmental impact.

  • Consider adverse environmental impacts in the management of the business.

  • Assist employees to participate in helping reduce their personal and m.e’s environmental impact where relevant and possible.

  • Fully engage with all relevant legislation and environmental standards.

  • Provide information, training and support to all employees.

Employees should make every attempt to reduce their environmental impact, while not inhibiting their ability to complete tasks for m.e.

m.e shall report carbon emissions yearly via Planet Mark. For 01 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 this totalled to:


Moving forward in 2024 m.e will enhance our reporting with accurate measurement of our homeworkers' energy use based on the energy recorded from the m.e Power Sockets on their desks and the emissions of our sold products based on the lifecycle analysis of the m.e Power Socket calculated by London South Bank University. Further to this, m.e will start to report on the emissions saved by m.e Power Sockets and the effect of these on our overall emissions.


Version: 23

Last reviewed: 17th June 2024

Next review: 2nd December 2024